Lt. Col. Cocktail Drink Series- Beer (specifically To Go Beer)

This weeks drink receipt is a fan favorite, easy to make, and anyone can be a master mixologist.  It's BEER!  Just regular old beer from local breweries that you get by ordering to go and pick up.  We would love to see your take on this week's drink receipt.  Share your photos picking up, enjoying pool side/lake side/camp fire side and tag those who you like to enjoy your beer with.

But most importantly go out and pick some up!

Cheers Drinking Springs!


***Do you have a favorite drink receipt that you have mastered and would like to share with the group?  Please email the details to to be featured on future Lt. Col Cocktail weekly drink post.  We all have at least one go to drink we think is the it, share it and let's see who else enjoys it***

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